Site Engineering held the Annual Water Meter Installation contract for 4 years with Fulton County. This contract consisted of installing new water meter system throughout Fulton County. Over the course of the contract, Site Engineering installed: one 10” water meter, seventy-nine 8” water meters, forty-two 6” water meters, fifty-three 4” water meters, and two 3” water meters. Fulton County also requested upgrades to the water main system, which included 5303 lf of 6”-10” new DIP, 80 lf of 20” casing jack and bore, and 5500 lf of ¾” – 2” copper tubing service lines. Site Engineering repoured 5182 lf of sidewalk, re-installed 1030 lf of 6’ chain link fence, and restored landscaping and vegetation to every site.
Annual Water Meter Installation

Location: Fulton County, GA
Contract Amount: $2,470,474.00
Owner: Fulton County Public Works Division
Work Performed:
10”-3” water meter installs
2778 lf 8” DIP
2485 lf 6” DIP
5550 lf ¾”-2” Copper Tubing service lines
Repoured 5182 lf sidewalk
Reinstalled 1030 lf 6’ chain link fence
Owner Contact: Grady Cochran
SEI Project Manager: David Hess