DDCWSA contracted with Site Engineering for improvements to its stormwater infrastructure at Chestnut Place within Douglas County. The project consisted of removal of approximately 91 lf of 48” CMP, 97 lf of 36”CMP, two catch basins, two headwalls, curb and gutter, pavement, three driveway sections, existing trees, and wood fencing. After demolition of existing pipe, Site installed 188 lf of 60” RCP, two catch basins, and two headwalls. The project also consisted of site restoration for concrete driveways, asphalt pavement, wood fencing, temporary gravel parking, concrete curb and gutter and erosion control measures.
Chestnut Place Stormwater Improvement

Location: Douglasville, GA
Contract Amount: 488,660.00
Owner: Douglasville-Douglas County Water Shed Authority (DDCWSA)
Work Performed:
Demolition existing CMP
188 lf of 60” RCP
Two 60” Headwalls
Concrete Curb and Gutter
Erosion Control
Owner Contact: Joseph Morency
Engineer: Jason Couseineu, PE / Rindt-McDuff Associates, Inc.
SEI Project Manager: Paxton Billingsley