Site Engineering contracted with DeKalb County and began cleanup of South Fork Peachtree Creek, Snapfinger Creek, and South River. C.E.R.M. was contracted by DeKalb County as a third party to observe and inspect the project for compliance. One hundred and forty-one (141) individual work site locations along the three water sheds were assessed and rehabilitated. Careful consideration of each site commenced on the environmental benefits of removing any embedded debris at the location.
One Time Stream Cleanup of South Fork Peachtree Creek, Snapfinger Creek, and South River

Location: DeKalb County
Contract Amount: $1,009,000
Owner: DeKalb County
Work Performed:
- Stream Cleanup
- Environmental Cleanup
- 5261 Tires removed and disposed
- 246 Ton of debris removed
- 586 CY of Woody debris removed
Owner Contact: Willie Greene
Engineer: CERM / Jimmy Thomas
SEI Project Manager: Paxton Billingsley