Paces Valley Sewer Improvements and Stream Restoration

Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Contract Amount: $1,018,000
Owner: City of Atlanta




Site Engineering rehabilitated Nancey Creek through the City of Atlanta. Previously installed gabion baskets were improperly installed and were in a state of collapse. This collapse was threatening a 54in diameter sewer trunk line. 1,000 linear feet of stream channel along the ewer easement was completely rehabilitated during this project. A unique design was created by the City of Atlanta’s Engineering department to utilize the existing gabions without complete removal and replacement in the areas least damaged. In addition several new gabion walls were installed through removal and replacement. To save trees a sanitary sewer line was replaced via trenchless technology – Micro tunneling. Also, a block granite wall was installed as a mechanically stabilized earth was the tensar grid fabric.

Work Performed:
  • Stream Restoration
  • Gabions
  • Cross Vanes
  • J-hooks
  • Micro Tunneling
  • Sanitary Sewer
  • MSE Wall
Owner Contact: Stanley Marshal
Engineer: City of Atlanta
SEI Project Manager: Paxton Billingsley
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Creek Circle Stream Stabilization
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One Time Stream Cleanup of South Fork Peachtree Creek, Snapfinger Creek, and South River