Site Engineering has held the Wastwater Services with Fulton County for multiple years. Maple and Elm St. Roswell Road: Site Engineering installed 1,500 lf of 8 in HDPE via trenchless pipe bursting technology. This was a challenging project located in the City of Roswell on a very narrow street in an existing neighborhood. Cooperating with homeowners to limit their inconvenience was of utmost importance. Work required: by pass of sewer, aerial stream crossing, 15′ ht rubble retaining wall, 60 CY gabion baskets, 800 SY milling and overly complying with exacting City of Roswell standards, in pavement sewer service connections, traffic control, full street detours, clearing, erosion control, landscaping, and restoration.
Maple and Elm Street Roswell Road Pipe Bursting

Location: Fulton County, GA
Contract Amount: $1,217,000
Owner: Fulton County
Work Performed:
- Sanitary Sewer
- Trenchless – pipe bursting
- Open cut install
- Diameters: 8in-30in
- Aerial Crossings
- Stream Restoration
- Paving
Owner Contact: Simeon Solomero
Engineer: Fulton County
SEI Project Manager: Paxton Billingsley