DeKalb Country’s original water treatment plant had sat abandoned for 50 years inside of Mason Mill Park. Much of the area was covered in English ivy, kudzu, and where an invasive ground covering vine wasn’t present Chinese privet had moved in. Site Engineering began on removing the invasive species. A large detention pond was excavated and plated with native plants. An ancient concrete holding tank, a relic of the waterworks, was cleaned and epoxy-coated. This rehabilitated tank catches excess storm water from the detention pond for future irrigation. The large (60 ft) diameter tank has a fountain in the center that operates daily. The small intermittent stream running through the water works area had significant erosion. A series of 14 Cross Vane structures were built. Uniquely, a 450-gallon-per-minute recirculation system pumps water from the detention pond 500 feet upstream assuring park visitors that the intermittent stream will be flowing every day daylight hours. The waterworks is easily accessible via the North Fork Peachtree Creek pedestrian path, park at the tennis center and follow the pedestrian path for 1/4 ile and waterworks will be visible from the first bridge. The recirculating water feature and water tank fountain have proved to be a popular park amenity with visitors.
Mason Mill/Historic Decatur Waterworks Watershed Restoration

Location: DeKalb County
Contract Amount: $1,132,000
Owner: DeKalb County
Work Performed:
- Storm drainage
- Streambank
- Stabilization
- Sanitary Sewer
- Dewatering
- Stream Diversion
- Cross Vanes
- J-Hooks
- Water Intake Structures
- 6in HDPE
- 12in HDPE
- Bio-Retention Are
- Aeration Fountain
- Electrical
- Wet well & pump
- Live Staking
- Landscaping
Owner Contact: Dave Butler
Engineer: Brown and Caldwell: Jeff Herr
SEI Project Manager: Paxton Billingsley